Above picture: Christian at Coopers Rock State Forest overlook near Morgantown, WV.
How Christian Heller Found Empowerment through AACE
Name: Christian Heller
Position: Director of Technical Guidance
When did you join AACE?
I joined AACE on June 2, 1994 shortly after my 30th birthday (yes, that makes me a baby boomer, I am painfully aware of that). A few weeks later I attended my first ConEx (then Annual Meeting) in San Francisco. Having a background in estimation and control of dynamical systems, but not knowing anything about cost engineering, this was a real eye opener for me. There, I had the opportunity of meeting and having discussions with some great people (like John Hollmann) who shed some light on the field for me.
Why do you do what you do, professionally?
I have always been interested in applied science and mathematics, especially in bridging the gap between fields that may normally seem unrelated. For instance, my studies were mainly related to electrical engineering, but I found that many of the principles used could also be applied in other fields, like econometrics, or cost engineering. Getting the opportunity to be in a position to learn more about cost engineering while helping promote development and dissemination of technical content seemed really appealing to me.
What have you learned working at AACE? Or What do you enjoy most about working at AACE?
I really enjoy the variety of my work at AACE and being part of a relatively small staff, the feeling that my work matters, is very important to me. Also, having the freedom and support to suggest and take on new initiatives is really empowering and wonderful. However, what has kept me and keeps me at AACE are the people I have the privilege to work with – many I consider part of my extended family.

Tell us about your interests, family, and/or a fun fact!
I was born in Sweden and my dad used to work for the United Nations, so when I as very young I lived in Egypt and Lebanon for several years. There I was exposed to so many different cultures and people from all over the world, which gave me an appreciation and better understanding of our differences and commonalities; experiences I draw on everyday in my life still.
I used to be a rifle shooter for team Sweden (later also West Virginia University) and got to compete in the 1984 Olympics. A staff member (who shall remain anonymous) says “you looked like you were a member of A Flock of Seagulls”.

These days I enjoy the simpler things in life; good food, good music, correcting capitalization in technical papers, learning about ablaut reduplication exceptions, and trying to find a use for “pulchritudinous” and “grawlix” in my daily conversations.
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Thanks Christian for your work!