Certification News

CCP Exam Update:  Retiring the Technical Paper

In 1976, AACE International launched its first professional certification, and today, that certification is the Certified Cost Professional (CCP).

Over the past 47 years, the certification examination format for the CCP has evolved from a 2,500-word technical paper accompanied by a paper and pencil exam to the current computer-based examination coupled with a technical paper.

In today’s fast-paced work environment of dashboards, charts and graphs, and summary narratives, the technical paper component of the CCP Examination has become outdated. Yes, there are still applications for 10+ pages of technical data accompanied by a bibliography and footnotes. Still, in more cases than not, the analysis communicated to a busy manager consists of a summary-level narrative that is direct and to the point.

Considering this fact, the CCP Certification Committee of the Certification Board conducted a feasibility study to determine if it was time to update the examination by replacing the technical paper with a more appropriate communication assessment that would better align with today’s workplace culture. The feasibility study results presented an opportunity to enhance the CCP examination by adding a memo component that the candidate would write during the exam instead of the separately prepared technical paper. This in-exam memo would be similar to those presented in AACE’s professional-level certification examinations, such as the CEP, EVP, PRMP, and PSP.

While a CCP technical paper is written outside the examination testing environment, it is part of the overall CCP examination. From the very beginning, the objective of the certification program was to ensure that people receiving a CCP designation demonstrated that they could communicate ideas, statements, recommendations, and solutions logically and reasonably. The CCP examination needed more than just multiple choice and scenario questions; it required a method to evaluate the candidate’s communication skills – how the candidate structured words, analysis, and recommendations. Thus, the requirement to submit an acceptable technical paper that contributed to the candidate’s overall examination scoring was implemented. Fast forward to today. With the advancing technology of CHAT GPT, AI tools, and continuing plagiarism issues, the reliability and validity of using the technical paper component of the CCP examination process to assess candidates’ abilities need to be reevaluated.

After the feasibility study and the resulting opportunity to add the in-exam memo, the CCP Committee conducted a beta test of the memo scenarios prepared to replace the separate technical paper. In April 2023, current CCP technical paper graders volunteered to be the beta testers for the proposed memo scenarios. These volunteers wrote the memo using the Kryterion examination platform, just as it would appear during an actual examination. After writing the memo, the beta testers supplied feedback on the clarity of instructions, the memo scenarios, and the grading process. The CCP Committee reviewed the feedback/comments and made necessary adjustments to the memo scenarios, grading instructions, and grading rubrics. On June 10, 2023, the CCP Committee presented their plan to adopt a new structure for the CCP examination by transitioning from a 2,500-word technical paper to an in-exam memo to the Certification Board, which was unanimously supported.

Therefore, starting in the first quarter of 2024, the CCP certification exam will no longer require a technical paper written before taking the examination. Instead, the CCP examination will incorporate a memo scenario within the computer-based examination context, whereby the candidate will write a short business memo to management relating the analysis and recommendation(s) in response to a given scenario. The in-exam memo will be graded as part of the overall pass/fail result of the CCP examination.

Because the CCP examination is the overarching certification covering a wide variety of topics relating to being a cost professional, the examination will allow the candidate to choose from a selection of scenario memos that focus on evaluating cost and the interaction of cost with the other disciplines of cost engineering. Depending on experience and expertise, the candidate will choose a scenario memo that best matches their competencies based on skills, knowledge, and experience.

The candidate must read the memo scenario and the instructions carefully. The instructions have essential information critical to successfully writing the memo. The candidate will need to evaluate the scenario issue, demonstrate their understanding of the problem, decide what solution or solutions would be appropriate, make a recommendation(s) for what action should be taken, and close the memo.

The Certification Board believes updating the CCP examination format will better reflect the current workplace environment, better assess a candidate’s communication abilities, and amplify the overall skills of the CCP-certified professional.

Charles E. Bolyard, Jr.,  CFCC PSP FAACE Hon. Life, Chair of the Certification Board, applauded the effort of the CCP Committee and stated, “As Chair of the Certification Board of the AACE Certification Institute, I am both excited and pleased that the excellent efforts of our CCP Committee have resulted in the introduction of an enhanced Certified Cost Professional (CCP) Certification Examination format. The transition from a separate technical paper to an integrated memo component within the computer-based testing format for the CCP exam is a welcomed and significant improvement in our professional certification examination offerings across a broad spectrum of industries.”

Stay tuned in the coming months, as the CCP Committee will present tips for how to write the CCP memo and offer more information about this new process. Please direct any questions on this matter to certification@aacei.org.

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18 thoughts on “CCP Exam Update: Retiring the Technical Paper”

  1. The update to the CCP exam will happen at the beginning of March, so until then, the technical paper component will still be active. To avoid confusion, we’ll be sure to provide detailed information about the updated format of the CCP when it is active. If you have any questions, please get in touch with the AACE Certification Team at certification@aacei.org.

    Thank you.

  2. The decision of abolishing Technical paper is a delayed but a favourable decision. However, it is still not clear how it will be related to pass/fail criteria. We need more clarifications with example of short business memos.

    1. Hello, Sumanta –

      Thank you for reaching out and expressing your interest in the upcoming changes to the CCP exam. We appreciate your commitment to staying informed. We want to provide you with a clear timeline to address the confusion surrounding the launch of the new format.

      The planned changes to the CCP exam will take effect in March 2024. To avoid any potential confusion, we have refrained from posting detailed information on our website at this time. Until the transition occurs, the CCP exam will continue to include a technical paper component.

      In the interim, we encourage you to prepare for the upcoming changes by familiarizing yourself with the memo structure. A helpful resource to guide you through this is our article on “How to Write a Memo.” Similar guidance tailored specifically for the CCP memo will be made available on our website concurrent with the launch of the updated format.

      The current format is 120 multiple-choice questions broken into 4 domains. The new format will be 119 questions plus the memo. The 119 questions will be broken down into 3 domains. I am unsure of the number of questions for each domain at this time.

      The questions will be pulled from the same databank as before but recategorized into clearer new domains. A psychometrician has reviewed the new format for fairness, validity, and reliability.

      Old domains:
      1. Basic Cost Engineering Skills & Knowledge – 38 questions
      2. Economic Analysis – 28 questions
      3. Project Management – 27 questions
      4. Cost Estimating & Control – 27 questions

      New domains:
      1. Cost Management
      2. Communication Competency (memo)
      3. Interfacing with Other Disciplines
      4. Performance Analysis

      We understand the importance of providing timely and accurate information, and we assure you that relevant details regarding the new CCP exam structure will be promptly posted on our website. We appreciate your patience and commitment to your professional development.

      Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns. We are here to support you in navigating these changes and ensuring a smooth transition.

      Warm regards,

  3. It is unclear how the assessment criteria for Pass/Fail in the new format of the exam will be done. what is the overall contribution of the Business memo?

    1. Hello, Mothupi –

      Thank you for being so interested in AACE’s new format for the CCP exam.

      I am not sure I entirely understand your question, so please get in touch with me directly if you need more clarification.

      As indicated in the comment above, the questions will be pulled from the same databank as before but recategorized into clearer new domains. A psychometrician has reviewed the new format for fairness, validity, and reliability.

      Old domains:
      1. Basic Cost Engineering Skills & Knowledge – 38 questions
      2. Economic Analysis – 28 questions
      3. Project Management – 27 questions
      4. Cost Estimating & Control – 27 questions

      New domains:
      1. Cost Management
      2. Communication Competency (memo)
      3. Interfacing with Other Disciplines
      4. Performance Analysis

      Each topic is worth 25% of the overall score. You do not have to pass all topics to pass the exam; however, all parts must be considered together for your overall result. Depending on the individual scores of each topic, it is possible to fail 3 topics, pass one, and pass the overall exam. Conversely, it is possible to pass 3 topics and fail one and fail the overall exam.

      For example, if someone receives 64% on topics 1-3 and 90% on topic 4, they will pass because the overall score is 70.5%. If someone receives 70% on topics 1-3 and 54 on topic 4, they will fail because the overall score is 66%.

      I hope this helps to clarify.

      Warm regards,

  4. Dear ,

    I need to know the study guide like skill & Knowledge Book will be changed or not or everything are same but only the update in technical Paper.

    1. Dear Mohamed,

      Thank you for reaching out and expressing your interest in the upcoming changes to the CCP exam.

      There will not be a change to any study material with this transition.

      In the interim, we encourage you to prepare for the upcoming changes by familiarizing yourself with the memo structure. A helpful resource to guide you through this is our article on “How to Write a Memo.” (https://web.aacei.org/docs/default-source/certification-documents/How_to_Write_a_Memo.pdf?sfvrsn=d2aadbb5_14) Similar guidance tailored specifically for the CCP memo will be made available on our website concurrent with the launch of the updated format.

      Best regards,

  5. Hello everyone,

    It is still unclear when the last date will be for sitting the exam using the current system for individuals whose technical paper has been approved.

    Thank you

  6. Hello, Kamal –

    The last day we will be accepting CCP applications with the technical paper will be on February 29, 2024. All registrations after that will be in the new memo format.

    Candidates who register on or before February 29, 2024, will receive the current exam format (no memo) throughout their 6-month registration period.

    Please email us at certification@aacei.org if you have any other questions.

    Warm regards,

  7. Hi,
    May I know if you are accepting the technical paper or until the update, you no longer accept the exam application? could you please advise?

  8. Hi, Swathi –

    We are delayed in launching the new CCP format until late April/early May. Until then, we are accepting registrations with the technical paper. If you wish to take the CCP in the new format with the in-exam memo, you will have to wait until the launch.

    I am happy to answer any other questions you may have. Please feel free to email me at vsmith@aacei.org.

    Warm regards,

    1. Hello, Hamed –

      The launch of the new CCP exam format has been delayed until after AACE’s Conference & Expo. We are looking forward to the launch at the end of June.

      If you have any questions, you can email me directly at vsmith@aacei.org.

      Warm regards,

    1. Hello – Yes, the last day to apply for the CCP with the technical paper is today, June 13, 2024. We will reopen the CCP in the new format with the memo on June 27, 2024.

      If you have any other questions, please contact me at vsmith@aacei.org.

      Warm regards,

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