Navigating Change and Embracing Diversity:

AACE International, Synchrony Projects, and Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) Journey Toward Excellence in Cost Engineering

By Laurie Bowman of Synchrony Projects

In an era marked by rapid industrial transformation and increasing diversity in corporate ecosystems, Synchrony Projects, as an Approved Education Provider (AEP) for AACE International, has exemplified the potential of strategic educational collaborations. The recent project cost estimation workshops at Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) not only underscored this potential but also showcased how tailored training can propel an organization toward achieving efficiency and diversity in its operations.

Transforming PPL Through Education—The training initiative took place against the backdrop of PPL’s ongoing transformation, aiming to diversify its product offerings and incorporate a more inclusive team dynamic. This period of change has been significant for PPL as they adopt new technologies and frameworks to improve their project management and cost estimation capabilities. The workshop, conducted in April 2024, was a cornerstone event, designed to align with PPL’s strategic goals of enhancing operational excellence and embracing the diversity of ideas and people.

Workshop Dynamics and Content—Led by Laurie Bowman, a seasoned trainer and workshop facilitator with extensive experience in cost engineering, the five-day workshop provided 24 PPL professionals with an immersive experience in the AACE International Total Cost Management (TCM) Framework and recommended practices. The curriculum was structured around AACE International recommended practices and included contemporary topics such as AI in cost estimation, data structures and the integration of building information modelling (BIM), reflecting the latest advancements in the field.

Creative Expressions of Learning—The participants articulated their learning outcomes through creative means, composing two insightful poems, “Total Cost Management” and “Change Control Board,” which vividly captured the essence of the principles discussed:

Total Cost Management

In the realm of commerce where fortunes are made,
Total Cost Management guides you to save,
Beyond mere numbers there lies a creed,
A philosophy of prudency, a merchants need
From inception to fruition,
It casts its gaze,
Analysing every expense, in a myriad of ways,
From procurement start to deliveries right,
Every cost is accounted, in day and night,
Materials sourced and labor for work,
Every expense measured for its worth,
From overheads high to hidden fees,
Total Cost Management unlocks the keys,
In the balance of spending and saving,
Lies the path to success,
For in the tapestry of commerce and art,
Total Cost Management plays its part.

Change Control Board

In the realm where projects thrive and grow,
A symphony of plans begin to flow,
Yet in the chaos one thing remains clear,
The need for a guardian ever near,
Enter the change control board,
Steadfast and true, Guiding the ship through waters deep,
With eyes that sees the projects design,
And ears hear every warning sign,
When the winds of change start to blow,
They assist, calibrate and bestow,
Decisions made with wisdom start,
Preserving the projects essence as such,
For every alteration big or small,
They weigh up the facts and stand tall,
Ensuring alignment with the projects goal,
A beacon of governance is a vital role,
So let’s raise our voices and raise them more,
To the change control board our steadfast law,
In the word of projects that continue to rain,
They bring order and control and progress to gain.

Synergy and Strategic Alignment A key aspect of the training workshop timing was the fact that PPL had recently introduced a new value assurance framework. The value assurance framework integrated well with the TCM Framework and recommended practices for cost estimate classification. The alignment allowed the mapping of the engineering deliverable development with each stage gate to create a robust foundation for cost management and decision-making at PPL. This synergy was pivotal, as it aligned with the organization’s broader goals of enhancing efficiency and embracing comprehensive risk management practices across its diverse project portfolio.

The immediate feedback from the workshop participants and PPL’s management was extremely positive, with many highlighting the practical applications of the concepts learned. The training not only elevated the participants’ technical skills but also fostered a culture of strategic thinking, information exchange, and continuous improvement, crucial for navigating the complexities of today’s energy sector.

As PPL continues to navigate its transformation journey, embracing product and team diversity, frameworks such as TCM, and the role of specialized training like that provided by Synchrony Projects become increasingly important. Such initiatives not only enhance individual competencies but also fortify the organization’s resilience in a competitive market. This case study serves as a beacon for other asset owners, illustrating the positive impact of investing in education as a catalyst for business success and innovation. Synchrony Projects remains committed to delivering high-impact training solutions that align with the AACE International TCM Framework and the evolving needs of the industry, ensuring that their clients not only meet but exceed their strategic objectives.

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