AACE Bulletin
Bulletin Section news for June
AACE International sections from around the world are encouraged to submit write-ups and photos of their monthly section meetings and other activities. For the June Source, submissions were received from the Hawaii and Seattle Sections.
Hawaii Section

Hawaii Section Members Earth Day Community Service Project —Shown above from left to right are Nicki Dockery, Joshua Irie, James Lewis, Yong Shi, Dean Idehara, Christopher Baze, Sona Kremitovska, Landon Loitz, Jean Pagaragan, Christopher Kanae, Scott Arend, Maelyn Uyehara, Cole Idehara, Cassie Idehara, Jeremiah Lacuesta, and Antonia Agbannawag.
On Saturday, April 23, eighteen Hawaii Section members and guests participated in a community service volunteer event in support of Earth Day 2022. The section, working with the non-profit organization Malama Maunalua, helped clean the bay of invasive algae at Kuliouou Beach Park. Together with other volunteers, the section volunteers removed approximately 1,000 lbs. of invasive algae from 400 square meters within the Paiko Restoration Area. All of the invasive algae was donated to Keiki & Plow Farms to be recycled and used as natural and organic compost. Mahalo to Malama Maunalua for providing this opportunity.
Seattle Section

Seattle Section Members are shown above at a May presentation and panel discussion on the Sound Transit Northgate Link Extension Project. Opened in October 2021, the project was delivered on schedule and within budget.
On Thursday May 12, the Seattle Section hosted its first in-person event of the year at the Renaissance Seattle Hotel. The event featured a short presentation followed by a panel discussion on the Sound Transit Northgate Link Extension Project. The project opened in October 2021, and was a resounding success, having been delivered on schedule and within budget. The project added 4.3 miles and three stations to Sound Transit’s Light Rail network. The featured panelists were all from Sound Transit and included: Colby Hess: North Corridor Project Controls Manager, Linda Morud: Northgate Link Extension Project Construction Manager and Mark Shelton: Northgate Link Extension Project Senior Scheduling Engineer. This was a very informative discussion which piqued the interest of attendees from neighboring light rail link extension projects which have similar components and face similar challenges to the Northgate Link Extension Project. The section would like to extend a very special thanks to all our panelists for sharing your success stories and project lessons with us at the Seattle Section!

Seattle Section May Meeting Featured Panelists were all from Sound Transit and included: Linda Morud: Northgate Link Extension Project Construction Manager; Colby Hess: North Corridor Project Controls Manager; and Mark Shelton: Northgate Link Extension Project Senior Scheduling Engineer.

Seattle Section Members are shown above at a May presentation and panel discussion on the Sound Transit Northgate Link Extension Project. Opened in October 2021, the project added 4.3 miles and three stations to Sound Transit’s Light Rail network.
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