AACE Bulletin
British Columbia Section
The British Columbia Section in Region 1 is announcing and introducing members of its current year Section Board of Directors. In this report, we introduce the Section President, Ali Yahosseini, and the Section’s Past President, Ken Po.

Section President,
Ali Yahosseini
BC Section President
Ali is currently a contract manager at BC Hydro and Power Authority, a Canadian electric utility in the province of British Columbia. He has over 20 years of experience in providing technical and managerial support in the field of project management including planning, scheduling, risk management, contract management, and capital cost management for over $30B worth of capital investments. Ali has developed extensive project management knowledge and experience with the focus on the utility industries including hydropower plants, transmission and distribution, as well as oil & gas industries mostly in Canada, Germany, and Iran. His research interests are project risk management, system dynamics modeling, earned value management, project health check, and decision support systems. Previously, he worked as project controls and supply chain manager at Wood Plc., project controls manager at MWH global, and project planning and controls manager at OIEC Group. Ali holds a BSc. degree in industrial engineering, and a M.Sc. in production and operations management. He is also a PMP with the Project Management Institute (PMI) and a Professional Engineer with the EGBC.

Section Past President,
Ken Po
BC Section Past President
Ken Po is the current Past President of the BC Section. He served as president from 2017 to 2019 and as director of programs from 2013 to 2017. Ken has been a cost engineer with BC Hydro since 2007, where he works in generation to prepare estimates for financial approval. In his off time, Ken enjoys nearly every aspect of pop culture – from television to movies to memorabilia. He has an open-door policy and is willing to answer calls or emails from anyone in the industry.
In the coming months, the British Columbia Section will continue to feature and introduce the members of its Section Board of Directors for the 2021-2022 program year.
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This should be called the BC Hydro section and not the British Columbia section.
It does not represent all AACE members of BC but is dominated by employees of one company.